What is a “simp”, and how can you avoid being one? Here is what you should know about the latest humiliating trend.
Definition of a simp
Simp is a person that pays (“simping”) in monetary currency, goods, feelings, or other forms, to another person, only to get in return minuscule appreciation or nothing at all. It can be a schoolboy who does his female classmate’s homework for attention, or someone who donates money to online/webcam models for the same reason. As you might have already guessed, incels make up most of the simp population. Although women can simp too, the majority of the population is male, hence the main focus will be on them.
Is simping good?
Simping is not good in any aspect. Paying disproportionate amounts of dedication of any form to a person that might not even acknowledge your existence, is definitely not good. Men who simp are also the ones that have low self-esteem and lack confidence around women. They believe that by being good providers, they can get girls’ attention, or even become their boyfriends. However, women would never settle for that, unless it’s in their best interest, which still doesn’t happen because it’s for them to get freebies without giving anything in return.
Therefore, simping not only makes men look bad and ruins their financials, but also boosts women’s egos and ruins the power balance between the two sexes.
Some examples of simping
- This dude paid $10k so his imaginary girlfriend (e-girl) gives him a hug. She spent the money to go on vacation with her real boyfriend:

- Some other guys prefer to be homeless instead of simp-less:

- Does she even know his name?

Simp defenders
Many will defend this practice by saying that all a simp does is purchase “services” and there’s nothing wrong with that. Or that it might be their sexual fetish, hence they’re excused.
Well, nobody is saying what you should do with your money because nobody cares. But if you think paying thousands of dollars for a mere recognition or a hug is something normal, then I guarantee you that it’s not healthy. Simping isn’t only about voluntary donation, but it’s linked to one’s mental state and problems. Simps aren’t everyday people that have it good and are just bored. It’s a pathological condition that should be addressed as soon as possible.
How can you prevent it?
If you are a simp, you obviously have some issues that originate from yourself. You need to start improving the aspects of your life and your self-image. Every person is worth something, and that’s what you have to find out about yourself. Giving gifts to a woman is not bad per se, but overdoing it without seeing any sign of reciprocation, tells you that you should stop. There are other women who might appreciate it more. There are many things women want, but a simp ain’t one.
Another thing to consider when simping, is your income. If you’re spending all your parents’ savings, then you should try getting a job yourself, and see how hard making money is. I’m sure you’ll have a different perspective, and appreciate your money more, once you become the breadwinner. On the other hand, if you have your own money, and you still insist on giving it away even though you’re risking losing your car and your house, then it’s become pathological, and you need help. This is no different from gambling, ergo I’m strongly against it. The bottom line is to improve yourself and do a reality check before you spend any amount of money on a person that might not care about you.
Having friends with some sense might help you as well. If they can see something that you don’t, then it’s a good time to ask their advice.
Do you have friends who are hardcore simps?
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