Top 10 unreasonable insecurities women have

10 crippling habits women impose on themselves.

Brunette woman in a teal T-shirt covering her face anxiously
Image by geralt via

Women are said to be more insecure than men. While many stereotypes are false, here are 10 reasons why this is still true.

Stereotypes about women are usually outdated and discriminating. However, there are still overused sayings that hold some truth in them. The reason is simple: women tend to overthink certain aspects of their behavior and appearance. This hinders their ability to act in their best interest in certain circumstances, and it greatly hits their self-esteem, which explains their crippling insecurity. But, what are those doubts and insecurities they have?

Here are the 10 most common self-imposing doubts women have:

1. Appearance

woman looking at herself in the mirror
Women get obsessed with their looks.

This is the number one for a reason. It’s the most common insecurity women have about themselves, and it doesn’t matter if she’s an ugly duck or a “10/10.” There is no defense against self-image perception. One negative comment, and she’s sent into perpetual agony. Even though women have been able to overcome this to a certain degree, the biological female brain and postmodern social constructs keep reminding her appearance is an important factor in her well-being.

To be fair, having good looks plays an important role in the dating game. However, the reality is more forgiving. I’ve yet to see a truly ugly woman, or an “imperfect” woman remaining single, and I think I never will. Also, beauty is not the most important aspect of a person. Sure, it gives the edge in dating, as we mentioned, but people stay for the personality and love. So, try to shift your focus to more important aspects, ladies.

2. Intelligence

drawing of a woman looking at a math equation while thinking about a monkey playing cymbals
Many women feel dumber than they really are.

It might come as a surprise, but modern women have doubts about their intelligence. The reasons can be plenty, such as a competitive workplace, traumatic upbringing, female nature, and inferiority complexes against men. Again, facts show otherwise. Women can be highly intelligent and exceptionally skilled in fields that most people wouldn’t believe. However, the ugly truth is that somehow, they still don’t believe they can make it. Ironic, isn’t it?

3. Age

concerned blonde woman about a wrinkle on her forehead
A single wrinkle can hurt a woman more than a bullet.

Well, color me surprised, but all living beings age, right? However, women might take it a bit harsher. Both young and old women get equally stressed about their age. Little girls can’t wait to grow up, and old ladies can’t wait to look younger. Just imagine how much emotional damage a single gray hair can do to a lady.

Relax guys. Grey hair and age aren’t important. The important thing is to live your life and have no regrets. Age is something natural, and should be embraced as such.

4. Love

Disney knew what it was doing.

“What did he really mean by that? Does he really love me? If he did, why didn’t he send me the usual emoji? How can he love me if our signs don’t match?! He hasn’t spoken to me for like 5 minutes. He definitely doesn’t love me!”

Do those internal monologues ring a bell? They certainly do. Women tend to overthink the acceptance of love from their partner. They think it’s probably fake because they can’t believe how someone could possibly love them. They need to feel continually assured that their partner loves them, as well as the people around them. It might be a justified fear, as people nowadays have a hard time expressing their feelings, or simply feel no need to do so. Some don’t even want to bother with love anymore, because their lives are heavily dictated by the modern lifestyle, where everything is about materialistic things and beauty.

Again, relax guys. Remember, most men don’t think it’s essential to reassure their women that they love them. They rightfully believe actions speak louder. If he stays with you and puts great effort into making your life easier, he definitely loves you.

5. Career

tired woman sitting on desk in front of her laptop
Not everybody will make it big. So, chill out.

For women, achieving a great career isn’t outside the realm of possibilities anymore. Women have a high drive for success, and possess the natural ability to network. Their aptitude to devote themselves to the job and deal with the exhausting details, is something to be envious of. Those natural talents enable women to reach their goals.

However, they spend too much time doubting themselves beforehand, and are harsher than they should be. It feels as if failure isn’t an option in professional fields. While we agree that certain job positions or business opportunities are too important to miss, it’s not the end of the world. As they say, when a door closes, another one opens. Even if you mess up, at the end of the day, it’s just a replaceable job.

6. Social circle

woman using social media apps on a tablet and smartphone
Maintaining a healthy social circle can be a job on its own.

For women, one of the most important things is their social circles. It can be her friends, her siblings, her partner’s siblings, her coworkers, and more. As such, women are relentlessly trying to manage their relationship with those parties, and this, down the road, can become exhaustive and stressful.

On the other hand, there is a limited amount of tasks a person can complete during the day, and making room for certain things while neglecting others, is not the optimal way of doing it. This results in mismanaging a part of her relationships, which leads to more stress and insecurities.

7. Sex

couple of man and woman arguing in the bed
Insecurity can cause many fights within couples.

Insecurities about a female’s sex performance stem from multiple points we previously made. It’s linked to her appearance, her hygiene, her wish to satisfy her man, her desire to fulfill her social role, and her need to receive love from her partners. I could write a whole book about it.

Try to keep this in mind. Sex is a very complex process from start to end, but also the simplest one. If you want to enjoy it, just think about its purpose, and not the unrelated aspects. It’s all about the heat of the moment. This will save you from stress and insecurities, which your partner might have not been aware of in the first place.

8. Hygiene

woman in white shirts lifts arm to smell armpit
Yes. Everybody (nobody) knows about your dirty little secret.

Sometimes I wish everybody would be insecure enough about their hygiene, to save me from smelling their armpits on the bus or the train.

Women hold the first place when it comes to smelly fears. They need a huge bag with them at all times, just to ensure that they have all the necessary tools and perfumes to take care of their hygiene. I agree that being clean and healthy is important, but if we go overboard, we might start developing phobias and fixations.

9. Motherhood

woman sitting on couch and looking concerned at pregnacy test
Are you gonna be a good mom?

The biological purpose of the woman is primarily described by her wish and ability to bear children. Therefore, it would make sense that this aspect is of paramount importance not just for her, but for her man, and the whole of humanity.

This is the only point where I think it’s justified for a mother to worry about her baby-making capability. However, it can reach a point where it becomes detrimental to her mental health. The ones that already have children, are too worried if they’re raising them properly, or if they are being good mothers. Either way, step back and relax. You’re already doing what you can.

10. Anniversaries

four people celebrating birthday with a cake and pink canddles
Are you sure you can keep up with everything?

Events and anniversaries are an important part of every woman’s life. Some people might not have the luxury or the mood to pay the necessary attention to them, but for women remembering anniversaries and birthdays, and preparing accordingly for the celebration is quite important. I think everyone has seen the typical example of a man forgetting his wedding anniversary, and then the woman being mad at him for many days because of that.

Though I agree that certain events are important and should be treated as such, given the times we live in, it might not be always possible to celebrate them like we wish to. Hence, women should try to see the glass half-full, and enjoy what they can. Worrying too much about them or holding a grudge might take away the joy of future events. You should also overcome your ego, and remind your goofy partner about your anniversary. I can assure you that it’s an important event to him, but sometimes men forget even their own birthday.

What else do you think women worry too much about? Please, leave your comment.

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