Godzilla vs. Kong: who should claim the title of the King?

Who should be the victor of the long-awaited battle and why?

Old Godzilla vs. Kong

How does Kong compare against Godzilla, and what should we expect for the upcoming movie?


If you haven’t heard it yet, Godzilla vs. Kong is going to be released in March 2021, and it finally gives the fans the long-awaited battle of the two titans since the King Kong vs. Godzilla (1963) release. As a fan of the Godzilla series myself, I can hardly wait.

Godzilla, otherwise known as the ‘King of The Monsters’, is a huge lizard-like creature with super physical powers, who is respected by other similar beings as their leader. Kong (AKA ‘King Kong’) is, to put it simply, a gigantic gorilla of impressive strength and move set, but most importantly of a gentle heart. My guess is, you are already familiar with the Godzilla universe, so we should just skip to the next part.

Size comparison

Though we still have to see for ourselves what will happen in the battle of the titans, we’re caught up in the argument that Godzilla should be the clear winner due to its massive size if we compare the latest Godzilla in 2014 and 2019 to the latest Kong movies in 2005 and 2017.

Godzilla vs. kong chart size comparison
Godzilla vs. Kong size chart (image by ‘AtomTickets’).

It’s clear that the size difference is simply colossal, and if we were to put those monsters against each other, Godzilla would be the winner, no matter the strength and skills of Kong. The image below makes it even more obvious by comically displaying Kong as a toddler compared to Godzilla. However, it’s very accurate.

Funny Drawing of Godzilla holding Kong him as baby toddler
Godzilla vs. Kong comic battle (image by FunnyJunk.com).

Contrary to everything we’ve discussed, in the movie trailer, the complete opposite is shown. They made Godzilla much smaller than what he was before, hence breaking the consistency related to the two previous films. Also, Kong is almost similar in size to Godzilla, and judging from the trailer, his punches are dealing some serious damage. From the look of it, I felt that Godzilla is going to have a tough battle, and some might say that he’s even going to lose.

In case you’d want to point it out, I already know that Kong was supposed to be a “teenager” in his previous movies, and now he’s an adult, thus bigger. However, that doesn’t justify Godzilla’s shrinkage. Still, Godzilla towers over Kong, and he’s exhibited in the previous movies his wrestling skills. At the end of the day, I feel Godzilla is going to overpower Kong, so I give this one to Godzilla.

Strength comparison

Normally, strength would have been out of the discussion if the size consistency was kept among the movies. However, things have changed, and now we have to consider that equal masses mean equal strength. Gorillas, in nature, are known to be able to carry 10 times their own weight and have the strength of 20 adult men, and if we scale that up to Kong’s size, then Kong might even become the winner.

However, let us not rush just yet. Godzilla is still bigger, and has a massive tail that can deal an equal amount of damage. On top of that, we have to account for its extreme endurance and durability to external damage, as seen from the previous movies. The way Godzilla can handle opponents of equal size and strength is still amazing.

Special Abilities

Here is where Kong really pales. Against Godzilla’s special abilities, he doesn’t stand a candle. Godzilla has a bio-nuclear nature, which means that he can perform his famous “Atomic Breath” and “Thermonuclear Pulse.” He has many other abilities, but for the sake of keeping the article short, we won’t mention them here. Poor Ghidorah was a witness to both Godzilla’s main attacks, and it gave us a solid warning of what Godzilla can do if he’s determined to win.

Kong, on the other hand, is a big normal gorilla, and if he gets blasted by atomic attacks, he’ll just be a fried monkey. We give this point to Godzilla.

Entertainment vs. reality

From the trailer, Godzilla’s size and strength have been greatly reduced, contrary to Kong who has received a huge boost. The trailer makes it also look possible for Kong to overpower Godzilla, but handing him the title of the “King of The Monsters” might still be out of the discussion.

I believe that the screenwriters correctly judged that there should be a fair fight between the two titans for entertainment purposes, and the only way to materialize that, would be to make them similar in size by enlarging Kong and reducing Godzilla’s size compared to the previous movies. At the end of the day, it’s still a movie that needs to provide 2-3 hours of uninterrupted entertainment. You can’t have that if Godzilla mops the floor with Kong in under 30 seconds.

Godzilla vs. Kong on a ship size comparison
Actual footage showing size inconsistencies.

However, undermining Godzilla instead of checking some other approach, might not have been the best option, in my opinion. Perhaps they could have made Kong team up with some other titan or created a scenario in which there is a fair battle between them.


The winning title goes to Godzilla, despite the weakened state and reduced size he’ll have in the movie. He’s still bigger, stronger, and has combat prowess and abilities that will overpower Kong, in an almost equal fight, nevertheless.

Who do you think will be the winner?

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