Doom 3 vs. Doom (2016) face-off

A comparison of ‘Doom 3’ and ‘Doom’ (2016).

Doom (2016) Doomguy vs. Doom 3 demon cover

Doom 3 vs. Doom (2016): a comparison that could end the long debate among the fans.

In this article, we will see how Doom 3 and Doom (2016) stack up against each other. Contrary to the standard model, the comparison will be on the individual game’s quality, content, and overall experience. Graphics or other technical capabilities, will be left out.

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Introduction to the Doom experience

My first “Doom experience” was with Doom 3 (2004). I was about 16 years old and didn’t know anything about the franchise. All I knew was some rumors about a good-looking and scary first-person shooter. So, I just went ahead and bought it.

Once I got my hands on the game, my first thought came through and was: “Wow! This is simply outstanding“! The superior graphics and mechanics for its time, made it very distinctive compared to any other game in my collection. Even though I couldn’t run the game on Ultra Settings at that time, I still managed to get a good balance of looks and FPS (frames per second). Generally, the realism, the sound quality, the mechanics, the environments, and many other elements in the game were very engaging and well-put together. After completing the game, the overall “feel” and nature of the Doom series was finally “engraved” into my brain and my conclusion was:

“A horror first-person shooter that takes place in tight and dark places in a future setting”.

Being addicted to the title, I purchased Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil upon its release. That one felt even greater than its predecessor, albeit shorter. Once I completed it, I had no other choice but to wait for the release of the next title: Doom (2016).

An unpleasant surprise…

When Doom (2016) made its debut, I was very excited and eager to try it out. However, before that, I stumbled across some forums and I saw that the fan base was thrilled about finally getting what they wished for. However, I also noticed that the previous iteration was considered an abomination.

This bugged me somehow, and it felt strange. I, then, started to investigate all the commotion about it and I found out, to my big surprise, that Doom 3 was considered pretty much utter garbage by the community. I could not believe my eyes! It was so hard to grasp the harsh critics of Doom 3, especially when recalling all the scary fun I’ve had.

Naturally, I looked into the matter a bit further, and I realized that Doom 3 did not follow the original franchise Doom (1993) at all. After checking all the past Doom games, it came to me that the original titles were way different than Doom 3. The impression was that the original was a platform game of a bad-ass marine shooting at hordes of demons in various open arenas. At the same time, fitting music was caressing the player’s ears. The pace was also different, and it was obvious that it was focused on fast and exciting action, rather than horror and dark setting in tight halls. It started to make sense now why the community appeared so judgmental.

Although my verdict should have been clear at that moment, I did not feel that way at all. I said to myself: ”Yes, Doom (2016) is great, but I cannot just bash Doom 3. It was too good for me to dismiss it just like that.”

This was the point where it felt necessary for me to stack both titles against each other, and highlight their advantages and drawbacks. It was very hard for me to simply accept that a game I utterly enjoyed, received so much hatred.

Comparison of the two titles

1. Setting

Tight dark spaces vs. Open arenas

The setting is one of the crucial elements of any game, as it gives the general “vibe” and atmosphere. It guides your mind to think in a specific way. Such as what to expect to encounter on every corner, and the anticipation of a jump scare. It’s a major factor that will shape your emotional experience with the game.

Doom 3 Hell Knight fighting with chain gun in dark and red hall
Fighting a Hell Knight in dark halls (Doom 3 RoE).

Speaking about emotions, for me, Doom 3 was much more emotionally intense than Doom (2016). The uninviting narrow dark halls, and the surrounding screams and whispers, sent chills down my spine. Other ambient elements were the tight spaces, the bursting pipe sounds, and the lights going unconventionally out, which all contributed to a state of fly-or-fight status.

This anticipation of horrible demons brought feelings of pleasant stress. The increased heart rate and release of adrenaline made things pretty addicting and exciting. I have to admit, playing that game with HD headphones in the middle of the night was a love-hate relationship. Sure, it was spooky with all those sounds and effects, the hanging dead bodies, and all the jump scares, but that’s what made it unique for me.

Doom 3 game dark and narrow halls flashlight on sentry bot
Dark and narrow halls (Doom 3).

Doom (2016) instead, is set on open platforms/ arenas where the main fights take place. The fights are intensely action paced, and there’s no time for second thoughts when facing demons.

Hardcore FPS players are bound to enjoy it by design. Sure, those demons in tight spaces along the way add some variation, but the main action is focused on open areas with proper ambient lighting instead of pure darkness.

There isn’t much of a “scare factor” involved here. In most cases, you already know exactly when you are going to encounter the next horde of demons. The visible health and ammo packs, along with the metal music, make it obvious. That leaves enough room for preparing beforehand, and fighting on your terms.

Doom (2016) game battle arena on planet mars holding shotgun
Open arena (Doom 2016).

2. Enemy design

Scary “boogeyman” vs. Cool monsters

The demons in Doom 3 looked much more intimidating and frightening. They felt more aggressive, too; sort of like they wanted to eat you alive. Their design seemed directly inspired by some horror movie. And when combined with the setting of the game, it gave you a reason for concern.

I felt like in Doom (2016) demons looked cool rather than scary. Some of them, I dare to say, looked cute even.

3. Weapons

Old vs. New tech

Although I love Doom (2016)’s weapons and their resourcefulness, this still remains a neutral ground for me. Despite the weapons being more old-fashioned in Doom 3, they matched quite well with the character of the game. Weapon damage is another point raised by the fan base, claiming that the old weapons were weaker compared to their newest counterparts. However, I didn’t feel that was the case, except maybe for the Assault Rifle.

In hindsight, you could even say that weaker weapons made the game more challenging, but that’s just personal preference. Regardless, I will never forget the “eargasms” I got from reloading my Plasma Rifle and charging my BFG-9000 before its powerful shot.

The bottom line is that I prefer the Doom (2016) weapons over the old ones by a large margin. These are much more versatile, detailed, cooler, and versatile. Their functions and mods could change the overall game-style in your favor, by adding more fun and efficient ways to eliminate demons.

Dom (2016) game gauss gun
Gauss gun (Doom 2016).

4. The protagonist

Doomguy vs. (the real) Doomguy

Although the protagonist is always called the Doomguy in the Doom series, I cannot ignore the personality difference between the two games.

In Doom 3, you play as some marine guy that was unlucky to be on Mars when sh*t hit the fan. You try to survive your way out of that mess while mustering up all the courage to defeat the demons and save the rest of humanity from their invasion. Teleporting to Hell, was the most nightmarish thing that could happen to you in the game.

On the other hand, in Doom (2016), you are a guy in a suit who is literally too angry to feel fear. All his thoughts are focused on dismembering the demons he encounters with weapons or his bare hands. His wet dream was to teleport to Hell to wipe out even more demons.

In summary, in the first one you are trapped with demons, while in the second one, the demons are trapped with you (insert here “In Soviet Russia…” joke).

5. Scare factor

This was the last and deciding factor for me. Above all else, the experience you get from the game is the most important element. That’s going to be the “unmistakable” thing that you will remember for life.

The atmosphere in Doom 3 was well executed, and it succeeded in immersing the player in its horror steadily and progressively. Using a pair of quality headphones and playing at night, would guarantee some chest-pounding treat. All the hanging dead bodies, the whispers, the distant screams, and the growls of the hidden demons in the dark, contributed to the heightened brain functions. Carefully treading the dark halls and attempting to survive with the odds against you, is what kept me glued to the game. It felt more fulfilling than just trying to brutally murder all the demons that were unlucky enough to cross my path.

To be fair, making Doom (2016) one of the best games required some serious effort and it paid off. Surviving a swarm of demons served in preparing you for an even bigger one in the next area. Pair that with some sweet metal music, and your adrenaline levels would kick in. Being so badass that you visit hell to make demons fear you, isn’t something you see in every game. I strongly believe Bethesda delivered what they promised. They definitely managed to keep me hooked up with its smooth gameplay, the cool graphics, the music, the weapons, and the enjoyable “glory kills.”


In conclusion, both games are great, and I equally love them. Despite both being Doom games, they are vastly different in nature. I would say Doom 3 is not better or worse than Doom (2016), but definitely not an “abomination” as they said.

Perhaps the producers should have named it differently, as it didn’t faithfully follow its predecessor’s path. Other than that, it’s an experience that you must not miss. Even if FPS games aren’t your thing, I still recommend you try it.

What do you think about those two games? Which one did you enjoy the most?

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